Federated Co-operatives Ltd (Co-op) - SeaChoice

Seafood Progress

Grocer’s Commitments to Sustainable and Socially Responsible Seafood

2023 score

Seafood Progress Average : 68

Score Trend
Decreased Since Last Year
Parent Company
Federated Co-operatives Limited is owned by more than 160 independent retail co-operatives in Western Canada, which are in turn owned by more than 1.9 million individuals.
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Sustainability Commitment
Progress Reports
British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba
Seafood Progress: Federated Co-operatives Ltd (Co-op)


Commitment to Sustainable Seafood

Which products does this grocer’s sustainable seafood commitment cover?

Store brand
Seafood brand
No brand


of products sold in 2023 met commitment.
89 %

Sustainability Commitment. Federated Co-operatives Limited’s (FCL’s) Sustainable Fish and Seafood Policy states its commitment to source all the seafood it sells from sources that are ranked at least a ‘Good Alternative’ (Yellow) by Seafood Watch, covered by an equivalent certification or in a credible improvement project. The company has not specified a goal or timeline in relation to this commitment and does not have a full chain traceability system in place to support it (personal communication, L. Sparrow-Moellenbeck, 20/04/2023).

Clear Objectives
Supplier Expectations
Traceability Policy
Reporting on Activities

Social Responsibility Commitment. FCL’s Sustainable Fish and Seafood policy states that it recognizes the need to uphold international standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human rights and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. FCL reported to SeaChoice that it has a Supplier Code of Conduct but is not sure if it is based on these (or any other) international standards. Furthermore, the company does not have a traceability policy in place to support its commitment, and does not report on any activities to support its commitment. Finally, the company recently issued a survey to all suppliers containing questions related to social responsibility and intends to distribute this on an annual basis going forward (personal communication, L. Sparrow-Moellenbeck, 20/04/2023).

Step Scores


Commitment on sustainable seafood

Does the grocer have comprehensive seafood commitments?


Colecting Data

Does the grocer collect data to support its commitment?


Responsible Sourcing

Does the grocer make responsible sourcing decisions?



Is the grocer transparent about its commitment to sustainable seafood?



Does the grocer educate key stakeholders about the importance of its seafood commitments?


Supporting System Improvements

Does the grocer take initiative to support improvements to fisheries and aquaculture?


In the process of developing FCL’s 2023 profile, SeaChoice corresponded with Lisa Sparrow-Moellenbeck, Food Safety Manager at FCL.

Step Scores



Does the grocer have comprehensive seafood commitments?


Collecting Data

Does the grocer collect data to support its commitment?


Responsible Sourcing

Does the grocer make responsible sourcing decisions?



Is the grocer transparent about its commitment to sustainable seafood?



Does the grocer educate key stakeholders about the importance of its seafood commitments?


Taking Initiative

Does the grocer take initiative to support improvements to fisheries and aquaculture?


In the process of developing FCL’s 2023 profile, SeaChoice corresponded with Lisa Sparrow-Moellenbeck, Food Safety Manager at FCL.

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SeaChoice is a sustainable seafood partnership of the following three conservation groups: