Seafood Progress
Brand's Commitment to Sustainable and Socially Responsible Seafood
Seafood Progress Average : 66
Commitment to Sustainable Seafood
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No brand |
Sustainability Commitment. IFC Seafood (parent company of Olivia brand) informed SeaChoice that it is committed to procuring 85% of its products from MSC and ASC certified sources, and/or Ocean Wise Recommended sources, by 2025. Olivia has a full chain traceability policy in place to support its commitment that traces scientific name, geographic origin, wild or farmed and gear type or farming method, among other data elements (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
Social Responsibility Commitment. No publicly available information.
Step Scores
Commitment on sustainable seafood
Supporting System Improvements
Step Scores
Taking Initiative
Step 1: Commitment
1.1 The brand has a publicly available commitment on environmentally sustainable seafood.
IFC Seafood (parent company of Olivia brand) informed SeaChoice that it is committed to procuring 85% of its products from MSC and ASC certified sources, and/or Ocean Wise Recommended sources, by 2025. Olivia has a full chain traceability policy in place to support its commitment that traces scientific name, geographic origin, wild or farmed and gear type or farming method, among other data elements (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
1.2 The brand has a publicly available commitment on socially responsible seafood.
Olivia does not have a publicly available commitment to socially responsible seafood.
Step 2: Collecting Data
Collecting Data
2.1 The brand collects data on scientific name.
Olivia collects data on scientific name for all its products (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
2.2 The brand collects data on geographic origin.
Olivia collects data on geographic origin for all its products (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
2.3 The brand collects data on whether wild or farmed.
Olivia collects data on whether wild or farmed for all its products (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
2.4 The brand collects data on gear type or farming methods.
Olivia collects data on gear type or farming method for all its products (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
Step 3: Sourcing
Responsible Sourcing
3.1 The brand publishes a clear hierarchy demonstrating its sourcing priorities.
Olivia has published a general list of sustainability standards that it uses to inform its purchasing decisions on its website.
3.2 The brand has reported on the percentage of seafood sold in the past year that met its sustainability commitment by volume or value.
IFC Seafood reported to SeaChoice that approximately 55% of its products by volume were in line with its commitment in 2022 (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
3.3 Suppliers are required to agree in writing to uphold the brand's sustainability commitment.
IFC Seafood informed SeaChoice that it requires suppliers to provide proof of certification and for certification and endorsements to be specified on all documentation on an ongoing basis (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
3.4 Suppliers are required to sign a code of conduct to uphold the brand's social responsibility commitment.
IFC Seafood informed SeaChoice that it does have a supplier code of conduct. However, SeaChoice was unable to determine if it is based on a credible international standard and if all suppliers are required to sign it on an annual basis (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
Step 4: Transparency
4.1 The brand labels products with the information that allows consumers to make informed decisions.
SeaChoice found evidence that Olivia labels some products as wild or farmed, but no evidence that it labels products with species’ scientific name, geographic origin or gear type or farming method.
4.2 The brand follows best practice guidelines for making environmental claims on its products.
Olivia uses the Ocean Wise endorsement claim on some product labels but does not make sourcing information to back up this claim available for all products. Olivia also uses the MSC and ASC certification claims on some product labels which include chain of custody to serve as evidence to back up these claims.
4.3 Key information regarding the brand's products has been made publicly available.
Through its product web pages, retail catalogue and FishChoice profile IFC Seafood discloses the scientific name and harvest method of all products, and the one true origin of some products (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 05/04/2022).
4.4 The brand publicly reports how much of its seafood meets its sustainability criteria by volume or value of sales on an annual basis.
IFC Seafood reported on the percentage of Olivia brand products that were in line with its commitment for the first time through its 2023 Seafood Progress profile.
Step 5: Education
5.1 There is a description of the brand's commitments to sustainable and socially responsible seafood on its website.
There is some description of Olivia’s commitment to sustainable seafood on its website but no description of a commitment to socially responsible seafood.
5.2 The brand has taken actions to ensure its suppliers are aware of its sustainable seafood commitment.
No information in Olivia’s commitment.
Step 6: Taking Initiative
Taking Initiative
6.1 Farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
IFC Seafood reported to SeaChoice that it is committed to not selling any genetically engineered or modified farmed salmon (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
6.2 Farmed shrimps and prawns
IFC Seafood reported to SeaChoice that it preferentially sources ASC certified products and that it has a full chain traceability policy in place for all its products (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
6.4 Other species
IFC Seafood reported to SeaChoice that it preferentially sources MSC certified products and that it has a full chain traceability policy in place for all its products (personal communication, J. Bourgaize, 17/03/2023).
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