SeaChoice is a partnership among the David Suzuki Foundation, Ecology Action Centre and Living Oceans Society.

Together, we combine our wealth of experience in fisheries and aquaculture, and provide a consistent, credible and united voice on seafood sustainability in Canada. Our organizations are also members of the Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions.

Partner Organizations

David Suzuki Foundation Since 1990, the Foundation has used evidence-based research, policy analysis, education and citizen empowerment to conserve and protect the natural environment. Our focus is on oceans, climate solutions, biodiversity, environmental rights and cities.

We’re committed to ensuring our oceans are healthy and support abundant marine life by changing policies and destructive fishing practices, undertaking scientific fish stock assessments and protecting marine habitat. We collaborate with Indigenous Peoples, non-profits, governments, businesses and individuals to find solutions and make positive changes.

Ecology Action Centre is an environmental charity based in Nova Scotia. We take leadership on critical environmental issues, including climate change, biodiversity protection and environmental justice. We catalyze change through policy advocacy, community development and building awareness.

Our vision for our marine program is for Canada’s oceans to be healthy and for our coastal communities to thrive. This is achieved through sound conservation-based management, equitable policy and resilient markets that incentivize sustainable fishing practices, while ensuring that Canadians have access to fresh, fair fish.

We work locally, nationally and internationally to protect the marine ecosystem and maintain sustainable fisheries, which support vibrant coastal communities. We pride ourselves on using various tools to achieve our marine conservation goals and objectives, which have, and will continue to result in, positive changes on the water. We advocate, conduct research, engage in public education, and also use market-based approaches and legal tools. Collaborative efforts with Canadians and international NGOS, scientists, fishing organizations and government agencies are integral to our approach.

We work in three main program areas, through specific projects and ongoing core program activities, to address sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, marine protection and planning, and access to sustainable seafood in Canada.

Living Oceans Society is a non-profit that promotes healthy oceans and healthy communities throughout Canada. We combine our conservation vision with the economic and cultural needs of the people who live and work on our magnificent coasts. By conserving the ocean’s wealth and abundance, we believe we can help build sustainable communities today and for future generations.

Living Oceans’ work focuses on four key areas of marine conservation:

  • Marine Protected Areas and Marine Planning — working for a network of marine protected areas based on the principles of ecosystem-based management in BC.
  • Salmon farming — science, advocacy and public education directed at maintaining moratoria on open-net pen salmon farm expansion; and advancing the industry’s transition to land-based closed containment aquaculture systems.
  • Energy and Climate Change — protecting the ocean from further acidification by advocating for meaningful climate targets and achievements; maintaining the moratoria on both offshore exploration and development of marine traffic through vulnerable BC coastal waters.
  • Sustainable Fisheries — working to transform the most destructive fishing and aquaculture practices and advance policy reform; participating in ranking and certification processes; and working directly to protect fish habitat from harmful plastic marine debris.

Together, we combine our wealth of experience in fisheries and aquaculture, and provide a consistent, credible and united voice.

SeaChoice is a sustainable seafood partnership of the following three conservation groups: