Costco Canada - SeaChoice

Seafood Progress

Grocer’s Commitments to Sustainable and Socially Responsible Seafood

2023 score

Seafood Progress Average : 68

Score Trend
Increased Since Last Year
NGO Partner(s)
Sustainability Commitment
Progress Reports
Seafood Progress: Costco Canada


Commitment to Sustainable Seafood

Which products does this grocer’s sustainable seafood commitment cover?

Store brand
Seafood brand
No brand


of products sold in 2023 met commitment.
51 %

Sustainability Commitment. Costco’s Seafood & Aquaculture Commitment (last updated December 2022) indicates that its commitment to sustainable seafood is informed by the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal #14. Costco informed SeaChoice that it is committed to sourcing all its fresh, frozen and canned private label (Kirkland Signature brand) wild products from MSC certified sources first. Where MSC certified products are not available, Costco will source from a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP). For it’s farmed products, Costco is committed to sourcing its private label products from ASC certified sources first. Where ASC certified products are not available, Costco will source from an Aquaculture Improvement Project (AIP). Costco has not published a timeline for achieving these commitments. The company also requires that all Kirkland Signature brand canned tuna suppliers are members of the Seafood Task Force and ISSF participants. Costco’s commitment further states that it is committed to only selling MSC certified (according to supplier reports) versions of the following wild species that it identifies as being at great risk: Atlantic cod, Atlantic halibut, Chilean sea bass, Greenland halibut, grouper, redfish (sourced outside of U.S. fisheries), shark, skates and rays, swordfish and bluefin tuna. The company is also committed to not selling wild King Salmon sourced from the Salish Sea due to documented concerns related to its decline. Finally, Costco has a full chain traceability policy in place that applies to all its Kirkland Signature products (personal communication, T. Lim, 18/04/2023).

Clear Objectives
Supplier Expectations
Traceability Policy
Reporting on Activities

Social Responsibility Commitment. Costco’s Human Rights Policy (last updated in December 2022) states that, as per the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #8, Costco is committed to respecting and protecting the human rights, safety and dignity of the people who contribute to the success of its business. It states that Costco’s human rights procedures, goals and programs pertain to its employees and to the people in the supply chains that produce goods for Costco. This process is informed by Costco’s Code of Ethics which is based on international standards including the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business and Human Rights, the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Costco has a global Supplier Code of Conduct that reflects its commitment to social responsibility that all suppliers and their facilities as well as Costco-owned manufacturing facilities are required to abide by. The document includes a section on freedom of association which Costco’s suppliers are audited against. Where independent trade unions or representative workers organizations are absent, suppliers are subject to Costco’s remediation process as described below. Additionally, the retailer partnered with Verisk Maplecroft to conduct a materiality assessment on its core commodities (including seafood) a few years back, and have since taken action against those results. Finally, Costco reported on the social audit outcomes for all suppliers (including seafood) in FY2022 through its Human Rights Policy. The process for remedying non-compliance with low and critically performing suppliers includes corrective action plans and e-Learning lessons. Costco also has a global confidential ethics hotline to monitor compliance against its Human Rights Policy (personal communication, T. Lim, 22/02/2023).

Step Scores


Commitment on sustainable seafood

Does the grocer have comprehensive seafood commitments?


Colecting Data

Does the grocer collect data to support its commitment?


Responsible Sourcing

Does the grocer make responsible sourcing decisions?



Is the grocer transparent about its commitment to sustainable seafood?



Does the grocer educate key stakeholders about the importance of its seafood commitments?


Supporting System Improvements

Does the grocer take initiative to support improvements to fisheries and aquaculture?


In the process of developing Costco’s 2023 profile, SeaChoice corresponded with Tonette Lim, Responsible Sourcing, and Tim Wahlquist, Global Director, Responsible Sourcing & Packaging at Costco Wholesale.

Step Scores



Does the grocer have comprehensive seafood commitments?


Collecting Data

Does the grocer collect data to support its commitment?


Responsible Sourcing

Does the grocer make responsible sourcing decisions?



Is the grocer transparent about its commitment to sustainable seafood?



Does the grocer educate key stakeholders about the importance of its seafood commitments?


Taking Initiative

Does the grocer take initiative to support improvements to fisheries and aquaculture?


In the process of developing Costco’s 2023 profile, SeaChoice corresponded with Tonette Lim, Responsible Sourcing, and Tim Wahlquist, Global Director, Responsible Sourcing & Packaging at Costco Wholesale.

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SeaChoice is a sustainable seafood partnership of the following three conservation groups: